Good Morning Tea
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Good Morning Tea

This is an herbal tea. It contains no caffeine. This tea is blended to enhance energy and aid digestion. It contains herbs and spices that provide many vitamins and minerals good for the start of a new day. 

Gensing has vitamins of the D group. This root has helped in remedies for anemia and digestion problems. Even Confucius spoke of its healing powers more than 500 years B.C. American colonists learned from the Indians here to brew the root into a tea to banish fatigue. Studies done in England, France, Russia, Germany and Japan have shown ginseng root may be helpful in treating diabetes and radiation sickness. It truly seems to strengthen and tone up the body’s system.

Key Benefits

Natural Herbs and Spices Blended to Enhance Energy and Aid Digestion
No Caffeine in this Tea
Each Package Contains 24 Individual Tea Bags

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Description ID # Price Shipping Close Date Shopping Cart
1 package TMT-1 $4.25 included November 5  
6 packages TMT-6 $25.50 included  

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