Good Black Tea


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Good Black Tea

This is a select blend of Keemun from the high northern China region and Darjeeling from the Himalayas of India. These two black teas blend to yield a full-bodied flavor with a smooth aftertaste. Darjeeling is the most  flavorable, most famous and most purchased of India's teas. Tea tasters usually rate it as being delicate yet full-bodied, with a muscatel flavor. Keemun is known as the best of China's black teas. It has a thick, spicy smoothness. It is often refereed to as the "burgundy of tea," due to its excellent bouquet. Together they offer an extremely satisfying cup. This blend lends itself well to milk, lemon, and /or sweetener. It is one of the best English Breakfast blends.

Key Benefits

Blend of Darjeeling & Keemun Black Tea, Yielding a Full-Bodied Cup & Smooth Aftertaste
This Tea Has Caffeine
Each Package Contains 24 Individual Tea Bags

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Description ID # Price Shipping Close Date Shopping Cart
1 package TBT-1 $4.25 included November 5  
6 packages TBT-6 $25.50 included  

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