Taos Tea


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Good Black Tea

This is a select blend of Keemun from the high northern China region and Darjeeling from the Himalayas of India. These two black teas blend to yield a full-bodied flavor with a smooth aftertaste. Darjeeling is the most  flavorable, most famous and most purchased of India's teas. Tea tasters usually rate it as being delicate yet full-bodied, with a muscatel flavor. Keemun is known as the best of China's black teas. It has a thick, spicy smoothness. It is often refereed to as the "burgundy of tea," due to its excellent bouquet. This blend lends itself well to milk, lemon, and /or sweetener. It is one of the best English Breakfast blends.

Tea is second only to water as the most consumed non-alcoholic beverage. Tea was taken as a medicine even before it was taken as a beverage, centuries ago.

Today we are learning much about the elements in tea that are beneficial to our health. Tea leaves contain amino acids and polyphenols which, studies suggest, may contain dietary factors that protect the consumer from the development of certain cancers, cardiovascular disease, some infectious diseases and dental carries. The polyphenols are believed to act as antioxidants in the body by removing chemically reactive oxygen, and other free radicals, so as to help protect cells from structural damage.

The beautiful ceremonies of drinking tea began in the Buddhist monasteries of China. Monks practiced the rituals as part of a discipline preparing for Zen meditation. Today the ceremonies are involved to enhance the harmony between host and guest.

Good Morning Tea

This is an herbal tea. It contains no caffeine. This tea is blended to enhance energy and aid digestion. It contains herbs and spices that provide many vitamins and minerals good for the start of a new day. 

Gensing has vitamins of the D group. This root has helped in remedies for anemia and digestion problems. Even Confucius spoke of its healing powers more than 500 years B.C. American colonists learned from the Indians here to brew the root into a tea to banish fatigue. Studies done in England, France, Russia, Germany and Japan have shown ginseng root may be helpful in treating diabetes and radiation sickness. It truly seems to strengthen and tone up the body’s system.

Ginger is thought to be good for the circulation. It has proven to reduce headaches and nausea. Research in India has even shown some anti-cholesterol effects.

Alfalfa grass is called the “King of Herbs.” It has calcium, protein, iron, enzymes, B complex vitamins, potassium and fiber. The Arabs long ago discovered that their horses feeding on this field grass were much stronger than the grain-fed horses. For this reason they named the grass AL (from Allah, in honor of their god) and FALF, which means “Father of all foods.” Thus the name ALFALFA. This herb is great for the bones and helpful for arthritis. 

Rosehips contain vitamin C, pectin, and carotene. 

Cinnamon is used as an aromatic, stimulant, and carminative. It is very good for the digestion. This spice was once more valuable than gold. Empires were built around its import and export. In medieval Europe it was coveted for its flavoring and aphrodisiac effect. 

Licorice is believed to be good for the adrenals, the important survival glands. Licorice is known to help strengthen these glands so they may do their job of helping our body ward off fatigue, irritability and indigestion. 

This tea is surely a healthy way to start the day. Here’s to your health!

Good Evening Tea

This is an herbal tea and contains no caffeine. It is blended with natural herbs that have been thoroughly studied and chosen specifically to help give you a more restful evening. Today we are more and more aware of the wonderful healing and healthy benefits of herbs, spices, roots, flowers, leaves and nature in general. Medieval herbalist's, ancient Indian tribes, even Hippocrates, "the Father of medicine," knew the value of nature in their healing arts. The four herbs contained in this blend can be very good for your health.

Chamomile is known to have a calming effect on the nervous system. It has been known as an excellent general tonic that is good for the kidneys, spleen, bladder, colds, jaundice, bronchitis and hysteria.

The aroma is quite like a ripe apple. It is today recognized by the U.S. pharmacopoeia. It has been chosen for this tea because it truly does help one to sleep. 

Quakers bonnet is also known to renew the central nervous system and have a quieting effect. It is one of the finest nervines ever discovered.

Passionflower has a sweet, delicate scent and is good for headaches or insomnia.

Spearmint is included in this blend as it is aromatic as well as being excellent for proper digestion. Spearmint is also in the U.S. pharmacopoeia. In medieval times it was strewn on the floor of churches and in the streets for triumphal entries. 

These four herbs blend to make a truly good cup of evening tea. Here's to your health!


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