Natural Body Works


Product Lines


This site has been designed to offer to the health minded folks who surf the web some truly natural, healthy conscious products at a reasonable price. 

I have used these products myself for years and have known most of the people who manufacture this stuff some for upwards to 30 years. 

The people like the products are clean and clear. 

The skin care products have been tested all over the world from Central America to the Himalayas, from Aspen to Taos, from Cancun to Death Valley, from Egypt to New York City. 

The teas are made from the highest grade of ingredients from all over the world. The teas have been designed and combined for their herbally medicinal effects. 

Further down on the site you can find more definitive information on all of the products. 

My Mission

To supply healthy goods that are consciously manufactured and do not harm the environment. 

About Me

My name is Dr. Jeffrey Birnbaum DN. Mmt.

I have a Doctorate in Naturopathic medicine and a Master's degree in Massage Therapy which I received from the Santa Fe Academy of Natural Healing, Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1978 and 1973. 

I have studied yoga with the Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan Singh for five years in his Ashrams. I also studied with Swami Satchadinanda. 
I was invited to teach Massage Therapy at Maharishi Mahesh Yogis school in Fairfield, Iowa. I worked with Dr. Ladd on his arrival to the United States. 
I have also studied with medicine men from many of the American Indian tribes from  North and South America and with a number of shamans from India and South America. 

I have extensive training in Semantics and Linguistics. I started my studies with Dr. John Worthington of Korzipski's work The Science of Sanity combined with Sensory Isolation Tank Work. 

In 1987 I started my studies with Dr. Fernando Flores, The Ontology Of Coaching  (the semantics and linguistics of business). My most recent studies in semantics and linguistics have been with Dr. Page Bailey in the semantics of pain. 

I have training in the use of crystals, magnetic healing, polarity and manipulative therapies. I have taught the practice and use of crystals for healing, yoga, healthy cooking, massage therapy and self awareness workshops to individuals and groups. 

Contact Information

Postal address
Jeffrey Birnbaum - P.O. Box 1866 Basalt CO USA 81621
Nedstat Counter ICQ # 46565029

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