NBW Auction+


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You are at the right place to buy our products and ... more! 

Key Benefits

NBW Auction is powered by Tripod, Inc. , part of the Lycos Network and 
a member of the TRUSTe program 
It's perfectly safe — Tripod guarantees your privacy and security
You can do it from home in the comfort of your own desk chair (or Lay-Z-Boy) - Shop in your underwear! 
Shop on your boss's time! 
It couldn't be more convenient — bargains at your fingertips
You don't have to carry shopping bags all day 
No mall rats 
It's fun! 


When searching for a great deal, you often ask your friends where to find the best deal, right? Well, consider Tripod/Lycos to be one of your friends, and check NBW Auction!

Almost all of us are frequent shoppers on the Internet. But with e-commerce comes understandable concerns and worries about privacy and security. We want to calm those worries and give you peace of mind, so you can get on with your shopping at NBW Auction. Yes, technology does seem scary at times, but there is no need to fear electronic commerce if powered by Tripod/Lycos. Tripod guarantees your safety and privacy as a shopper. 

Sending your address and credit card number over the Internet to NBW Auction may at first seem to be incredibly risky; but in many ways it is more safe than handing over your credit card to your waiter at the end of a meal. 
Electronic commerce — sending financial information via electronic networks — became part of our lives long before Internet shopping became the craze it is today. Credit card purchases and ATM withdrawals all similarly utilize electronic circuitry, though these networks are private. The Internet is instead a public network. But all of the retailers linked to Tripod have made efforts to guarantee the privacy and security associated with private information networks in their online stores. 

There's no need for you to go out and look for legitimate retailers who guarantee your privacy and security — Tripod has done that for you and for NBW. All of the online retailers affiliated with Tripod — for example, BARNES & NOBLE — have proven to be reliable and trustworthy retail stores. Each store promises privacy — your address and buyer profile will not be given to any third party. All of the retailers also ensure the security of your credit card — each Web transaction made is encoded with the latest encryption techniques and stored on secure servers inaccessible from the Internet. Tripod has put its trust in them, so you can, too. 

We have tried to integrate NBW shopping with Tripod's power, in an effort to make Internet buying easier, more convenient, and fun. We hope the partnerships we have fostered will give you better deals and save you valuable time. 
One of the best things about buying online is the lower prices. Since our NBW online store does not have to staff full-time shop, you can purchase NBW products straight from the warehouse, with prices to match. 
For more about electronic commerce and online shopping, read Tripod columnist Wendy Cholbi's In and Outs of Electronic Commerce Part I, and Part II

Help for Sellers
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Trade Safe Escrow Services


Your safety and privacy 
In and Outs of Electronic Commerce - Part I 
In and Outs of Electronic Commerce - Part II 
What Lycos has to say about e-commerce and safety 

Visit our site pages for Natural Products I sell today: 

Nanak's Lip Smoothees 
Nanak's Skin Repair 
Taos Good Black Tea 
Taos Good Morning Tea 
Taos Good Evening Tea 

View all my product listings on Tripod Auction 

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